Create a stellar, completely FREE online resume
With TalentRoom you can create a stunning online profile that will surely make you stand out. With handy features like LinkedIn import it won’t even take you long to brush it up to look like an all-star.
Create my FREE online CVThomas W.
Work Experience
Add your preferences: financial goal, company size, on-site or remote
Tell us where you’d like to work from, whether remote or hybrid, or the hours of day you’re available for work and we’ll match it with companies looking exactly for that!
Companies must accept your conditions BEFORE they apply to you
Companies or recruiters that do not meet your conditions won’t bother you with messages or time-wasting interviews.
USD 100,000 Gross / year
Medium company size (1,000+ Employees)
Remote (+1 GMT), Open to relocate
Talk only with companies that are a good fit
Company size: check! Salary expectation: check! Remote-only workplace: check! Now we’re talking!
Create my FREE online CVOffline mode: Appear in search only when you’re looking
With TalentRoom you can set yourself as DND, and no one will disrupt your activity with unwanted messages. Things changed and you’re on the lookout again? Setting yourself as OPEN is only a click away.
Thomas W.
Bring your friends:
Get 1 monthly salary when they get hired
Refer your friends once, then make money every time they land a new job through the platform regardless of the company they go to work for. Now that sounds like ka-ching!